[Race Day] 15th August 2009 : Saturday: 10AM- 1PM
This is a final reminder to all, please remember the slot of you will be racing later as shown below:
Invitation Cup : 10 am -11 am
Expert Class : 11am- 12 lunch
Novice : 12 lunch -1 pm
Note: Please come 30minutes earlier before each of your race started for driver’s briefing. (Compulsory), example, invitation cup race will start at 10am, so the racers must come at 9:30am.
Location of the race will be at MAEPS, turn immediately when you see signboard “Exit 5 –Mardi".

all the best guys and have fun :)
This is a final reminder to all, please remember the slot of you will be racing later as shown below:
Invitation Cup : 10 am -11 am
Expert Class : 11am- 12 lunch
Novice : 12 lunch -1 pm
Note: Please come 30minutes earlier before each of your race started for driver’s briefing. (Compulsory), example, invitation cup race will start at 10am, so the racers must come at 9:30am.
Location of the race will be at MAEPS, turn immediately when you see signboard “Exit 5 –Mardi".

all the best guys and have fun :)
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