Trust in the Lord
The human intellect relies upon "understanding" to discern the best course for the future. In this verse, the word used for "understanding" (binah) derives from a word that refers to the idea of "interval," or "space between" (bayin). The word suggests, then, that intellectual understanding involves a sense of discrimination or discernment between things -- usually in terms of temporal sequences and logical connections.
The attitude of trust, on the other hand, refers to a self-consciously chosen inner disposition of the heart (lev or inmost self) that passionately depends upon the ability and grace of God to guide one in relation to the temporal sequences and connections of life. Trust involves the whole person and is manifest as an inner act of will that believes God for the future fulfillment of hope.

Human understanding attempts to predict, anticipate, and infer relationships between events, but we are to trust in the Lord with all of our heart. Only God can adequately discern our future path and lead us into the victory of faith.
Although we had heard this verse many times, it's is interesting to note still how quick we can turn weary when situations around us arise. Shall learn to be quiet and still before the Lord and trust in His words that He had proclaimed, knowing that He is in control of all situations.
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