Close your eyes and feel with your heart

Watched a chinese movie called Fly me to Polaris. If i'm not mistaken, i've watched this movie five times, and it never fails to make me weep until i choke. I don't want to explain what this movie is about. If you feel that life is hopeless, meaningless, too tired to face tomorrow or just unable to cry even if you want to, this is the movie for you.
Nothing much. I'm happy and also sad at the same time. Had a wonderful day, a day i could only dream of, and God through His mercy granted me. Thank you Lord Jesus. And as it goes, all good things have to come to an end. That is life. The transition from joy to sorrow is where i suffer the most. And as i was browsing around in my closet before going to bed, i found this movie.
Tears of refreshment is what i'm looking for. Tell you the truth i somehow enjoy the process crying. It makes you choke and cough, and later brings comfort and encouragement. It softens your heart that seems so hard and cold.
We have our own hopes. Sometimes when the hope you hold on so much doesn't come to past, you get so discouraged, sometimes to the fact you break down and cry. You get so disillusioned that you are willing to give away everything in exchange for the wish you hope for. But things stay the same and you cannot change reality.
Sometimes being able to see may not be a good thing. You only see the outside and you cannot allow yourself the chance to understand the inner side of something, especially the heart.
Try to pause for a moment, feel your surroundings. Think of the people that means alot to you. Do not describe the person by how you think the person looks like through your eyes. Describe the person through your heart, as you feel. Sometimes we may miss out the special things about a person which we can so easily overlook when we see through our eyes.
Close your eyes, Come back to the purest state of your mind, and see the world through your heart.
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